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If you have ever found yourself scrolling mindlessly through Instagram wishing you looked like the person staring back at you - you shouldn't have to feel like that!

Unattainable beauty standards

We live in a world that is obsessed with beauty, beauty that is based on a lie. For that, we can thank Disney princesses, Barbie dolls, Tik-Tok trends and social media influencers


So what is the lie? The lie is the modern beauty ideal that most people are consciously or sub-consciously assessing themselves against. For women right now, there are two types: unhealthy thinness or an hourglass shaped body complete with full lips, wide eyes and a button nose. To possess either of these unnatural ideals, extreme dieting or cosmetic surgery is required. Sadly, non-stop exposure to thousands of images like these every single day are teaching people to hate normal things about themselves. For some, this drives insecurity, low self-esteem and disordered eating but for others, particularly those who have not been taught to love themselves from an early age (combined with visual processing issues), it can result in full blown self-hatred in the form of Body Dysmorphic Disorder


Regardless of severity, people of all ages are being programmed to focus on the external, to find their identities and self-esteem in how they look and ultimately seperate themselves from the love of God by allowing fear and shame to dominate their lives. 


 For this reason, Tracy Glatz, author, coach and recovered body- image hater is on a mission to bring God's Truth on Beauty to a   hurting world full of body-image issues 

You will not be distracted by comparison if you are captivated by the purpose I have for y
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